
Getting Children to Read

Getting Children to Read:

"Dr. Seuss wrote, 'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.' Use these suggestions to get your kids excited about reading!

* Make a field trip to the library. 'Make a big deal about getting a library card!' Oprah says.
* Try to get children hooked on a favorite author or series. Oprah loved Lois Lenski while growing up.
* According to the July 2000 issue of Good Housekeeping, 77 percent of elementary school students return to school with a reading level below or at the level they had when they left the previous year. Make sure you have books available at home to read.
* Have your child read aloud so you can gauge their progress.
* Set a good example. Children need to see you reading, too!
* Teach kids that reading is about pleasure. Don't measure their progress by the number of books read, but the time spent reading.
* Help designate a special reading spot just for your child. Joke books, comics, newspapers, magazines and maps make good reading, too.
* Read the same book along with your child—let them recommend a book to you!"