
NQTs - Induction and Lesson Observation - Secondary | Teachers TV

NQTs - Induction and Lesson Observation - Secondary | Teachers TV:


This programme explores the teaching, the techniques, and the process of managing lesson observation from both sides of the fence.

NQT Leandra Downes is undertaking her sixth and final observation of her NQT year at St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School.

Her English lesson is observed and once its finished, Leandra has a feedback session with Assistant Head Stephen Clayson. They discuss what went well with the class as well as any areas for development.

A common comment made by NQTs as they are observed throughout their first year of teaching is that they feel they are being judged. At a time when there is so much to learn, take account of and to practise, this can be unnerving.

However, if the roles and responsibilities of both NQTs and their supervisors are clear, then these negative perceptions can be turned into positive support."