
Ways to continuing professional development | Teaching English | British Council | BBC

Ways to continuing professional development | Teaching English | British Council | BBC:

"Lifelong learning and continuous professional development in my opinion are much the same thing. I doubt if many people would say that learning throughout one’s life is not a good aim to have. However, as far as CPD (Continuing Professional Development) goes, I have always been disheartened to see how some teachers are happy to go on much as they always have done, doing a reasonable job but not developing to any great extent. Meanwhile, others strive to push their boundaries and actively create challenges for themselves, learning from their experiences and adding to their skills and their self knowledge, often in their own time.

Many of us are somewhere in the middle. We want to develop professionally, and while we are mindful of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, we are prepared to find the time we need within our working lives to learn, develop and thereby improve our practice.

I recently did some research for a conference presentation via an email questionnaire to experienced teachers, to find out about their CPD. Most of the 34 teachers who responded had been teaching for ten years or more, in private language schools, universities and colleges. One question asked if they considered their CPD opportunities to be good, adequate, inadequate or non-existent;"

Holiday Insights : International World Thinking Day

Holiday Insights : International World Thinking Day:

"When : Always February 22nd

Just think about it! Today is a day to ponder and contemplate.

International World Thinking Day is celebrated by Girl Scouts, Girl Guides and other girl groups. The original objective of this day was to set aside a day for girls all over the world to think of each other, and to give thanks and appreciation to 'sister' Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. Over the years, it has been expanded to include the opportunity for girls (young and less young) to learn about health issues that affect girls and young women.

You don't have to be a Girl Scout or a Girl Guide to participate in this day. Rather, we encourage all females, young and old, to learn a little more about health issues today. If you are in a position to provide education and training on health issues, do so today. If you can not conduct it today, then schedule it for some time in the near future.

Something to think about: February 22nd is the birthday of both Lord Baden-Powell founder of the Boy Scouts, and his wife Lady Olave Baden-Powell . Lady Baden-Powell who founded Girl Guides.

Origin of World Thinking Day:

According to the World Thinking Day organization's website 'World Thinking Day was first created in 1926 at the fourth Girl Guide/Girl Scout International Conference, held at Gi"

Types of Essays

Types of Essays:

"You've received your assignment, and now you're ready to decide on a topic. You may not have a choice about the type of essay you’ll write, since this may have been determined by the assignment. If you do have a choice, however, you can find a type that will best fit your personality.

Do you like to argue? If so, it can come in handy for this assignment! You might want to choose to write a persuasive argument.

Perhaps you are gifted with great descriptive capabilities, instead. Do you enjoy using colorful language to describe or explain things? You could write a narrative of something interesting that took place, or perhaps you could try writing a descriptive essay of an object."

Shakespeare and Twitter Make an Odd Couple

Shakespeare and Twitter Make an Odd Couple:

"One of the benefits of creating an open, simple, highly adaptable service like Twitter is the fact that once it takes off, people will try to do a lot of interesting things with it.

Sometimes, people take it too far.

Or not, depending if you think that Twitter of the Shrew - a Twitter adaptation of Shakespeare’s play Taming of the Shrew - is a good idea. Let’s leave the business of describing the project to the creators:

Spanning 19 Twitter accounts and presented over 12 days (one scene daily), Twitter of the Shrew attempts to live up to Shakespeare’s “Brevity is the soul of wit” proverb, by condensing the play’s iambic pentameter dialogue down to updates of 140 characters or less.

You can find the main Twitter account for the project here, with 19 additional character accounts:

ShrewKate / Katherine Minola /
PetruccioV / Petruccio /
Grumio / Grumio /
VeronaCurtis / Curtis /
Hdasher / Haberdasher /
Tailor4Petruc / Petruccio’s Tailor /
BiancaMinola / Bianca Minola /
BaptistaMinola / Baptista Minola /
Lucenti0 / Lucentio /
Cambi0 / Cambio /
Trani0 / Tranio /
Biondell0 / Biondello /
MrVincentio / Vincentio /
ThePendant / The Pendant /
Hortensio / Hortensio /
LitioH / Litio /
PaduaWidow / The Widow of Padua /
OldGremio / Gremio /
UPadua / University of Padua /

I don’t see a classic play (or any play, really) functioning too well in this form. Twitter is good for a lot of things, but is it good for drama, where (usually) you have actors sharing the same stage…and, you know, acting? It’s definitely interesting in an odd-experiment sort of way, though. If you want to check it out, it will play out from the 14th till the 25th of February 2009 (GMT-5), one scene every day."

10 New Years Resolutions for Distance Learning Students

10 New Years Resolutions for Distance Learning Students:

"Start the New Year off right by resolving to succeed in your studies. These 10 goals can help.

1. Get organized. When you know where everything is, it’s easier to complete assignments. Start the new year by organizing your home office and finding a place for all your school materials. Having your textbooks and reference materials nearby can help, as can bookmarking essential online reference sites.

2. Stop procrastinating. Procrastination is the #1 enemy of online students. This year, post a list of the benefits of earning an online degree to remind yourself to stick with it. Then, think of some strategies to keep yourself motivated during the year."

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Why Homeschool?

Technology in Education

Technology in Education:
"Many people warn of the possible harmful effects of using technology in the classroom. Will children lose their ability to relate to other human beings? Will they become dependent on technology to learn? Will they find inappropriate materials? The same was probably said with the invention of the printing press, radio, and television. All of these can be used inappropriately, but all of them have given humanity unbounded access to information which can be turned into knowledge. Appropriately used-- interactively and with guidance-- they have become tools for the development of higher order thinking skills.

Inappropriately used in the classroom, technology can be used to perpetuate old models of teaching and learning. Students can be 'plugged into computers' to do drill and practice that is not so different from workbooks. Teachers can use multimedia technology to give more colorful, stimulating lectures. Both of these have their place, but such use does not begin to tap the power of these new tools."

Holiday Insights : Singles Awareness Day

Holiday Insights : Singles Awareness Day:

"When : Always February 15th

Singles Awareness Day is for those who are unattached and without a significant other. It is celebrated the day after Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day, celebrates love and romance for those currently in a relationship. However, if you are in between relationships, or without a significant other, you may feel left out. Valentine's Day can be a depressing day. So, the day after Valentine's Day is your day.

On Singles Awareness day:

* Singles get together. It's a chance to meet.
* Singles give each other gifts,
* You can celebrate and enjoy the fact that you are unattached."

Tweetups Can’t Touch Facebook Flashmobs

Tweetups Can’t Touch Facebook Flashmobs:

"If you thought Tweetups were viral and picking up steam, you’ll never believe what one Facebook member was able to accomplish with a simple idea, a Facebook group, and proactive friends and friends of friends.

On January 15, T-Mobile filmed a commercial with people dancing at the Liverpool Street Station in London. After watching the ad on television, Facebook member, Crazzy Eve, created the group “Liverpool Street Station Silent Dance” to organize something similar for friends.

Here’s the choreographed dancing that inspired it all:"

ICT for the Non-Specialist - Virtual Worlds | Teachers TV

ICT for the Non-Specialist - Virtual Worlds | Teachers TV:

"The potential of using virtual worlds in education is explored by both teachers and pupils in this programme.

After joining the Schome project, which investigates how education can work with virtual environments, assistant head Mike Adams is able to investigate the educational benefits of virtual world Second Life.

Pupils at John Hanson School Community School, Andover, also show how they use software to build within virtual worlds.

Steve Thompson from the University of Teeside then works with pupils at Freebrough SE College, Cleveland, as part of a Second Life project to virtually redesign and rebuild Cleveland's Skinningrove Jetty.

Steve also leads a training session for those working in education who want to explore Second Life's benefits for collaborative learning. Head of maths Helen Perkins describes what she sees as the educational benefits of using virtual worlds with pupils in the classroom."

50 Tools and Tricks to Revolutionize Your Notetaking | Distance Learning Net

50 Tools and Tricks to Revolutionize Your Notetaking | Distance Learning Net:
By Holly McCarthy

"Whether you’re a high school or college student, a small business owner looking to set up a new business plan, or someone who wants to be better organized with your errands, goals and regular to-do lists, there are a variety of tools to keep your notes and tasks safe and filed away online. These 50 tools and tricks will revolutionize your note-taking by introducing you to techniques and websites that let you share ideas, store your thoughts directly on a web page and more."

Top 10 on the Web - Secondary ICT | Teachers TV

Top 10 on the Web - Secondary ICT | Teachers TV:

"A quick fire run down of the ten best websites for teaching ICT, chosen by Coopers Technology College in Kent.

Ben Moor introduces the websites with comments from teachers at Coopers Technology College, and sneak previews of the contents. The school was given 50 suggested sites, chosen with help from a ICT Advisor, and then added their own favourites.

It was difficult to decide on their top ten but Lesley Lamb, ICT teacher, says of their number one, 'the actual topics they?ve chosen are quite futuristic, very child friendly, very colourful'.

So what is their all time favourite? Will your favourite site be in their top ten?"

Active Listening for the Classroom - active listening techniques

Active Listening for the Classroom - active listening techniques:

"Listening--really listening--to students is critical to the student/teacher relationship, for knowing their teacher is interested in what they are saying, makes students feel cared about and emotionally connected to school. Since research shows that feeling connected is requisite to students' motivation to learn, showing that we listen is important not only as a matter of kindness, but also as a motivational strategy.

It is easy to perform routine tasks while listening to students. In fact, at times teachers are evaluated for their multitasking ability; however, unless you appear to be completely focused on the student speaking to you, he is apt think you care neither about what he is saying or him. Consequently, in addition to really listening to students, we must also show we are really listening."

Stick with Your Lesson Plan » Blog Archive » Stick with Your Lesson Plan:

"Experienced teachers who succeed with their classes tend to do so because they keep to their lesson plan.They remain focused on their students.

As Suzanne Lieurance from the Working Writer’s Coaching Program says:

“On good days, they keep going.

On bad days, they stick with it.”

Even when it seems students aren’t listening to you and aren’t making progress, keep in mind the objectives (the steps) you need for both you and your students to reach their goals.

You might need to switch gears and make changes right on the spot. Be spontaneous and go with the flow.

Just for today, don’t less misbehavior and classroom management issues distract you from moving ahead.

Successful teachers must be flexible and switch gears consistently. If you’ve been dealing with discipline problems due to some lesson planning issues, maybe you need to make some instructional adjustments like speak less and give students more hands-on material. Or spend more time practicing new skills before giving students a quiz.

Successful lessons work from the outside in for them to come to life. Students need to be engaged and active. So don’t be intimidated to switch gears. It is part of the teaching-learning process.

Don’t worry if you can’t"

Where to Find Open Textbooks for Free

Where to Find Open Textbooks for Free:

"A growing number of online students are able to download their textbooks for free.

Many professors are beginning to teach from open textbooks, instead of requiring students to purchase pricey materials. Open textbooks are often written collaboratively and always give students legal permission to use the material at no cost.

There are several places to download textbooks online, but it's important to choose a site that offers these materials with the author's permission in order to avoid legal trouble. Consider established sites such as WikiBooks, Connexions, OER Commons, MERLOT, and the Community College Open Textbook Project.

If your textbooks aren't available in open format, see: How to Find Your Textbooks for Cheap or Free. "

Tips for New Bloggers: Add Scrollbars to Blog Widgets

Tips for New Bloggers: Add Scrollbars to Blog Widgets:

"Scrollbar in All Widgets

Now that we know what the code does, we can apply it to our template. If we have many widgets in our sidebar, we can specify a fixed height for all the widgets. Carefully planned, our layout can look very neat since all the widgets will have the same height.

Login and go to Template -> Edit HTML. Insert this piece of code. For easy reference, we have added it under the /* Sidebar Content */ :-

/* Sidebar Content */
.sidebar .widget{

21 Ways to Network with Other Teachers Online » Blog Archive » 21 Ways to Network with Other Teachers Online:

"Teachers are constantly under time and curriculum constraints which is why online networking can be such an important way for professional development. Creating time to network with other teachers will ultimately help you become a better teacher. You’ll be able to share information and resources with other teachers who are devoted and passionate about teaching and perhaps learn a bit about yourself along the way.

Successful online networking can also ultimately lead to productive collaboration, which is how I found my co-author for the book we are currently writing. Here are 21 ways to broaden your online professional teacher network, which can help you save time and maximize your curriculum."

Irony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

"Irony (from the Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία eironeía, meaning hypocrisy, deception, or feigned ignorance) is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity or discordance between what one says or does and what one means or what is generally understood. Irony is a mode of expression that calls attention to discrepancy between two levels of knowledge. In fiction, it is a demonstration of the distance between the character's knowledge and that of the audience.

There is some argument[by whom?] about what qualifies as ironic, but all senses of irony revolve around the perceived notion of an incongruity between what is said and what is meant; or between an understanding of reality, or an expectation of a reality, and what actually happens.

The term Socratic irony, coined by Aristotle, refers to the Socratic Method, and is not irony in the modern sense of the word.[1]"

St. Valentine's Day Activities

Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14 by many people throughout the world. In the West, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. The holiday is named after two among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
An alternative theory from Belarus states that the holiday originates from the story of Saint Valentine, who upon rejection by his mistress was so heartbroken that he took a knife to his chest and sent her his still-beating heart as a token of his undying love for her. Hence, heart-shaped cards are now sent as a tribute to his overwhelming passion and suffering. [1]
The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines." Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards.[2] The sending of Valentines was a fashion in nineteenth-century Great Britain, and, in 1847, Esther Howland developed a successful business in her Worcester, Massachusetts home with hand-made Valentine cards based on British models. The popularity of Valentine cards in 19th-century America was a harbinger of the future commercialization of holidays in the United States.[3]
The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.[4]



Linkin Park - Valentine's Day. This song is from the album "Minute To Midnight". This is the nineth song.

Lyrics :

My insides are turned to ash, so slow
And blew away as I collapsed, so cold
A black wind took them away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so disatisfied
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing

I used to be my own protection, but not now
Cause my path has lost direction, somehow
A black wind took you away, from sight
And held the darkness over day, that night

And the clouds above move closer
Looking so disatisfied
And the ground below grew colder
As they put you down inside
But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing

So now you're gone
And I was wrong
I never knew what it was like
To be alone

On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
(Cuz my mind has lost direction somehow)
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
(I used to be my own protection but not now)
On a Valentine's Day, On a Valentine's Day
(Cuz my mind has lost direction somehow)

New Teachers: Do You Have a Checklist for Success? » Blog Archive » New Teachers: Do You Have a Checklist for Success?:

"Having a working checklist is so important if you’re a new teacher trying to establish a positive relationship with your students or a seasoned teacher trying to teach fresh content. A working checklist helps keep you on track to achieve what you really want in your teaching career. Teachers make so many decisions both in and out of the classroom and a working checklist can help you become less frazzled and more focused on developing meaningful goals crucial for developing your teaching career.

What Should be Included on Your Working Checklist

The best kinds of checklists are those that include weekly and monthly tasks or, short and long terms goals. Keep your weekly checklist focused to no more than 3 weekly tasks. Be flexible too – if you find yourself having a very busy week with grading and/or semester grades, then plan to put aside your goals for the following week without feeling guilty.

Your working checklist should have tasks that relate to different areas of classroom management and organization as well as lesson planning and assessment that you are working hard to improve.
Based on the previous teacher survey, here is one areas that is challenging for both new and seasoned teachers:

Building Positive Relationships with Students
•Communicating expectations for"

BBC NEWS | England | Manchester | MP brands dyslexia a 'fiction'

BBC NEWS | England | Manchester | MP brands dyslexia a 'fiction':

"A Labour MP has claimed dyslexia is a myth invented by education chiefs to cover up poor teaching.

Backbencher Graham Stringer, MP for Blackley, describes the condition as a 'cruel fiction' that should be consigned to the 'dustbin of history'.

He believes the reason many children cannot read and write properly is that the wrong teaching methods are used.

But Charity Dyslexia Action said the condition was 'very real' to the 6m people in the UK affected by it.

Writing in a column for the website Manchester Confidential, Mr Stringer said millions of pounds were being wasted on specialist teaching for what he called a 'false' condition.

Mr Stringer argues that children should instead be taught to read and write by using a system called synthetic phonics."

17 Noteworthy Alternatives To Google Notebook

17 Noteworthy Alternatives To Google Notebook:

"Google’s decision to discontinue development of Google Notebook had some users petitioning to save it, while rival service Evernote is already offering Google Notebook imports. So for those left in the cold, and those not yet sold on Evernote, what are your options for alternatives?

Whether it be notes for business meetings, in a classroom or trying to remember that last minute item before you go out for the evening, there are all sorts of note taking solutions out there to help you get things done. Here’s our roundup of 20 of the best."

ESL Valentine's Day Lesson

ESL Valentine's Day Lesson:

"Valentine's Day is on February 14th. It is a special day to celebrate love and friendship. On Valentine's Day we give cards, candy, and flowers to the people we love. School children sign Valentine's Day cards and bring them to school for their classmates. They decorate paper bags during art class to hold their cards. Some teachers show their students how to make Valentine's Day cards for their parents. Adults listen to romantic music, write love letters to each other, and eat candlelit dinners in restaurants. Some couples get engaged or married on Valentine's Day. Popular Valentine's Day symbols include red and pink hearts, bows and arrows, and Cupid. Cupid is a mythical figure. He is a winged god of love and the son of Venus."

Duele (Acoso escolar)

"Duele. Convive y deja vivir" Campaña en contra del acoso escolar. FADAE - Castilla y León

No al acoso escolar. No al bullying

Algunas veces, lo único que hace falta es un pequeño gesto para evitar que alguien sea acosado o maltratado. ¿Estás dispuesto a hacerlo?

Contra el bullying... por el compañerismo, por la solidaridad, por el respeto, por la amistad.

Acoso escolar - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Acoso escolar - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre:

"El acoso escolar (también conocido como hostigamiento escolar, matonaje escolar o, incluso, por su término inglés bullying) es cualquier forma de maltrato psicológico, verbal o físico producido entre escolares de forma reiterada a lo largo de un tiempo determinado. Estadísticamente, el tipo de violencia dominante es el emocional y se da mayoritariamente en el aula y patio de los centros escolares. Los protagonistas de los casos de acoso escolar suelen ser niños y niñas en proceso de entrada en la adolescencia (12-13 años), siendo ligeramente mayor el porcentaje de niñas en el perfil de víctimas.

El acoso escolar es una forma característica y extrema de violencia escolar.
El acoso escolar es una especie de tortura, metódica y sistemática, en la que el agresor sume a la víctima, a menudo con el silencio, la indiferencia o la complicidad de otros compañeros.[1]

Este tipo de violencia escolar se caracteriza, por tanto, por una reiteración encaminada a conseguir la intimidación de la víctima, implicando un abuso de poder en tanto que es ejercida por un agresor más fuerte (ya sea esta fortaleza real o percibida subjetivamente) que aquella. El sujeto maltratado queda, así, expuesto física y emocionalmente ante el sujeto maltratador, generándose como consecuencia una serie"

Moodle for English Teachers

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