
Classroom Management Tips For New Seating Arrangements

Classroom Management Tips For New Seating Arrangements:

"For a new teacher's classroom arrangements, the classroom seating chart might look typically standard - usually with frontal rows. With a new class, this is probably a good option as a new teacher needs to teach first and talk later. The frontal classroom seating arrangement is probably the best way to go in terms of getting to know a new class and exercising classroom control.

There will naturally come a time however when a teacher will want to opt for group or pair work as one of the primary activities in the lesson plan. If you haven't until now, you might want to plan for a brief 'getting to know you' activity. Experiment a bit. Are the pupils familiar with each other? Who haven't they gotten to know yet? This is a good way to 'test' different classroom arrangements and see how well they appeal to you and your classroom management style."