
October 12: Noam Chomsky Appears on Metanomics (Second Life)

October 12: Noam Chomsky Appears on Metanomics |:
"Professor Chomsky needs little introduction. Professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), he has written and lectured widely on linguistics, philosophy, intellectual history, contemporary issues, international affairs and U.S. foreign policy.

His work has been at times provocative, always insightful, and has influenced generations. His appearance on Metanomics brings Professor Chomsky into a virtual world where a global community can join in the discussion and represents a highlight event for the Metanomics community.

Join us as Robert Bloomfield hosts this special episode of Metanomics and a wide-ranging conversation with Noam Chomsky.

Join us at 12pm PST on October 12th at 12:00 p.m. PST/SLT in Second Life, or view the show from this Web page (the video will appear above at show time). Please note that this event is being held on a Tuesday."