

Inocente Trailer from Shine Global on Vimeo.
"ShineGlobal,Inc. Dedicated to ending child abuse and exploitation through the production of documentaries which raise social awareness and effect political change.
INOCENTE is an intensely personal and vibrant coming of age documentary about a young artist’s fierce determination to never surrender to the bleakness of her surroundings."

Barbie: The Young Girl’s Ultimate Role Model?

Barbie: The Young Girl’s Ultimate Role Model? | About-Face:

"Especially in this day and age, every young girl should have a role model. They need someone to look up to — someone who will validate their dreams, inspire their hearts, and represent all the positive, healthy ideals life has to offer. My mother is my role model, and so when I saw this commercial the other day, I assumed it was a shout-out to all the hardworking mothers setting their daughters on the right track. After all, at such a young age, who can inspire young girls to “go to the moon”, “dance”, and “teach the next generation”?"

Awakening the Media Generation

The documentary film "Cover Girl Culture" takes a hard look at the fashion industry and the message it conveys to young people.

COVER GIRL CULTURE | Women Make Movies
More videos here:

CNN Joy Behar Nicole Clark - sexualization of 10 yr old girl French Vogue. Sexploitation

Beauty Pressure
Think unrealistic ads don't affect young girls? Think again. Girls are under more pressure than ever.

Media's Effect on Beauty

Much more here:

Bullying Defined

"Bullying is when somebody is made to feel  uncomfortable, unhappy, desperate, because of the acts of others. It can  be verbal, it can be name calling, it can be physical, it can be taking  somebody's lunch money if it's at school. All bullying is wrong. It's  usually a gang bullying one person or two people, and in the most  extreme cases it can lead to children feeling desperate enough to  consider taking their own lives."
Read the whole article here:

More articles and videos on bullying here:

50 Coolest Online Tools for Word Nerds | Online Universities

50 Coolest Online Tools for Word Nerds | Online Universities:

"Learning and using new words can be one of the great pleasures of language. While university courses can help you to build your vocabulary, seeking out words, wordplay, and information is essential to becoming a true word nerd. These online tools can help you along, making it simple to learn new words, find out where they came from and just plain play with words."

Healing Isolation & Facilitating Empathy: The Power of Virtual Worlds « Virtual Connections

Healing Isolation & Facilitating Empathy: The Power of Virtual Worlds « Virtual Connections:

"Second Life‘s community has included a significant percentage of people who are struggling with some type of disability or illness, or who are caregivers and, therefore, limited in their ability to leave their homes to socialize."

9 herramientas gratuitas para desarrolladores y diseñadores web | GeeksRoom

9 herramientas gratuitas para desarrolladores y diseñadores web | GeeksRoom:

"A continuación tienen algunos servicios web que ofrecen herramientas para facilitar ciertas y determinadas tareas de los desarrolladores o diseñadores web.

Algunas de estas herramientas nos pueden ahorrar mucho tiempo como el generador de código CSS o el servicio que nos permite hallar los colores perfectos para un sitio web.

También van a encontrar un generador de botones y hasta un convertidor de Flash a HTML5."

Las 100 mejores películas sobre la educación

Las 100 mejores películas sobre la educación:

"lista de las mejores películas ambientadas en el mundo de la enseñanza y la educación. Para alcanzar la cifra de cien hemos abierto un poco la mano, y así hay películas sobre la clásicas relación de un profesor con sus alumnos en las aulas, pero también profes que dan clases particulares, casos extremos de niños discapacitados e incluso salvajes y el mundo de la enseñanza en el colegio, en la universidad e incluso en academias. Puede haber pasión por las humaniades, el deporte y el baile. Maestros ejemplares, y otros que no están a la altura de su apasionante y difícil profesión."

10 ways to change the minds of tech-reluctant staff | eSchool News

10 ways to change the minds of tech-reluctant staff | eSchool News:

"We often hear about tech-savvy educators and administrators who have an array of best practices and whose love for technology is evident. But as anyone who’s ever been part of a school or district knows, not all teachers and administrators are as comfortable or familiar with technology."

Police officer pepper-sprays seated, non-violent students at UC Davis

Police officer pepper-sprays seated, non-violent students at UC Davis - Boing Boing:

"At the University of California at Davis this afternoon, police tore down down the tents of students inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement, and arrested those who stood in their way. Others peacefully demanded that police release the arrested."

10 Teacher Tested Tricks to Teach Modal Verbs

10 Teacher Tested Tricks to Teach Modal Verbs:

"Teaching modal verbs can be a challenge, especially to beginning teachers who don’t have enough experience."

Edna Krabappel, 'The Simpsons' - Top 10 Bad Teachers - TIME

Edna Krabappel, 'The Simpsons' - Top 10 Bad Teachers - TIME:

"Who let this chain-smoking, jaded divorcée teach the fourth grade? Edna Krabappel has good intentions that never quite translate into adequate learning for Bart and his less-than-motivated peers. She lives up to her name as a bitter, loveless loner who lets her personal life fuse into her lesson plans as she shares the cynicism of middle age with the malleable minds of Springfield Elementary School. She tries her best to keep the students in line, but her apathy — she describes her job as "glorified babysitter to a bunch of dead-eyed fourth graders" — ultimately leads to her demise."

Bulllying: Practical Strategies for Teachers and TAs | The Creative Education Blog

Bulllying: Practical Strategies for Teachers and TAs | The Creative Education Blog:

"Victims of bullying suffer psychological and sometimes physical scars that last a lifetime. Victims report greater fear and anxiety, feel less accepted, suffer from more health problems, and score lower on measures of academic achievement and self-esteem than students who are not bullied.

Victims often turn their anger inward, which may lead to depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

The practical strategies outlined below could form a part of your pro-active approach towards preventing and handling bullying."

Innovative copyright

Innovative copyright:

"Learning about or teaching copyright is often frustrating and difficult for both teacher and student because it is a complex area, and, let’s face it, reading the text of the law is not always the most exciting way to learn.

Endeavoring to address this issue and many others, the Copyright Education and Consultation Program, a project funded by the Illinois State Library, was designed to establish a program to provide authoritative copyright information directly to faculty, instructors, and researchers at the largest Illinois universities. The goals of the program include increasing confidence in use of materials, informing users of copyright education resources available to them, empowering users with knowledge about their own intellectual property rights, and facilitating use of copyrighted material in the classroom."


Generadores online de material educativo | Cuaderno Intercultural

Generadores online de material educativo | Cuaderno Intercultural:

"En esta sección encontrarás más de 150 herramientas gratuitas que permiten crear materiales didácticos (información, ejercicios, actividades, etc.) sin necesidad de tener que bajar un programa a tu ordenador.

Si buscas herramientas que precisan la descarga de un programa o aplicaciones web gratuitas para crear material didáctico que no entran dentro de la categoría de “generadores”, consulta la sección dedicada a herramientas de autor y aplicaciones web gratuitas.

En Cuaderno Intercultural nos esforzamos por actualizar y ampliar nuestros contenidos regularmente, te agradeceremos que nos hagas llegar tus sugerencias, comentarios y opiniones."

Classroom Language | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Classroom Language | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC:

"TeachingEnglish - Classroom Language is a programme of in-service training to help teachers of English use English with more confidence in the classroom.

In many countries in the world the demand for English language education has outstripped the capacity to provide fully trained English teachers. A significant number of teachers of English round the world are teaching with low levels of English language competence and professional training, and this can impact on their confidence and ability to teach effectively."

How to Stop Caring About Trolls and Get On With Your Life

How to Stop Caring About Trolls and Get On With Your Life:

"You see them everywhere you go on the internet: anonymous users with nothing to say but rude, off-topic, or annoying comments aimed at making you angry. The only cure is to just stop caring, and while that's easier said than done, these tips should help you overcome their spell."

Using Correction Codes: Saving your students from going down with their 'slips' in a sea of red ink! | ELT Vista

Using Correction Codes: Saving your students from going down with their 'slips' in a sea of red ink! | ELT Vista:

"A good step towards raising awareness in students of the important of facilitating appropriate “effect on the reader” is by making the most of another type of mistake, or as some humanistic practitioners would say, learning opportunities. What I’m referring to is basic sentence level correction. The idea is that getting students to become more reflective of how their sentence level mistakes might affect readers actually creates a need for students to more accurately express themselves in an effective way. After all, one conception about ‘sentence structure’ is that the most grammatically correct sentence is one that is also the most effective."

10 ways to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning… « What Ed Said

10 ways to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning… « What Ed Said:

"1. Don’t make all the decisions

Allow choice. Encourage students to make decisions about how they learn best. Create opportunities for them to pursue their own interests and practise skills in a variety of ways. Cater for different learning styles. Don’t expect everyone to respond in the same way. Integrate technology to encourage creative expression of learning."

Getting to Know Shakespeare | Shakespeare Guides

Getting to Know Shakespeare | Shakespeare Guides:

"The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is proud to present 'Getting to Know Shakespeare', an on-line course which aims to give you a taste of different approaches to Shakespeare. We're making it freely available because we're passionate about sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm for Shakespeare as widely as possible. We're grateful to The Arden Shakespeare for sponsoring the course.

It's presented mainly through video and audio posts and includes special guest speakers from the world of the theatre and Shakespeare scholarship. The course features special locations in and around Stratford-upon-Avon and London, and shines a light on special books and documents cared for in The Shakespeare Centre's Library and Archive. 'Getting to Know Shakespeare' is intended for people who would just like to know more."

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Getting to know Shakespeare

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 10 Ways to be a Terrible Teacher

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 10 Ways to be a Terrible Teacher:

"Teaching is a noble calling. That is why when a teacher doesn't behave nobly it breaks trust and we get upset. I have to admit that I've had days as a "TT" (Terrible Teacher.) If we're honest with ourselves, we all have. It is usually when we're tired, grumpy or were woken up by a parent calling to complain about something we don't really agree with. But there are no excuses. As I've been teaching 10 years, I believe I have few days as a TT if any but there are certainly things I can improve upon."

25 Things You Should Know About Storytelling

25 Things You Should Know About Storytelling:

"1. Stories Have Power

Outside the air we breathe and the blood in our bodies, the one thing that connects us modern humans today with the shamans and emperors and serfs and alien astronauts of our past is a heritage — a lineage — of stories. Stories move the world at the same time they explain our place in it. They help us understand ourselves and those near to us. Never treat a story as a shallow, wan little thing. A good story is as powerful as the bullet fired from an assassin’s gun."

What is a MOOC?

Massive Open Online Course.

10 Essential Online Tools: What You Should Have in Your Back Pocket

10 Essential Online Tools: What You Should Have in Your Back Pocket:

"As teachers, we are always looking for new and interesting ways to present information to our classes and give them practice with linguistic concepts. Sometimes, though, we are not sure where to turn for activities that will challenge and entertain our students."

Ten Steps to Transforming Past Lessons for 21st Century Learners by Michael Gorman

- Ten Steps to Transforming Past Lessons for 21st Century Learners by Michael Gorman:

"It is important to look at successful prior lessons and infuse these past successes with technology and 21st century skills. I often refer to this in my Jukebox to iPod presentation. When looking at this transformation it is obvious that technology made a past great idea even better. Teachers must realize that they have a vault of awesome activities that have proven to be successful with students. Many times these perennial gems can be reinvented, mixed, and transformed to bring about a new 21st century lesson that will be even more engaging and applicable to today’s digital learner."

eXe Learning


"The eXe project developed a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. Resources authored in eXe can be exported in IMS Content Package, SCORM 1.2, or IMS Common Cartridge formats or as simple self-contained web pages.

eXe grew out of the New Zealand Government Tertiary Education Commission's eCollaboration Fund and was led by the University of Auckland, The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. It was later supported by CORE Education, a New Zealand-based not-for-profit educational research and development organisation. It has also been greatly assisted by a global group of participants and contributors."

Creación de materiales didácticos con eXeLearning:

The Wejr Board » Homework Why’s and Homework-Wise

The Wejr Board » Homework Why’s and Homework-Wise:

"Lately I have seen a few blogs, newspaper articles, and journal articles (see below for links) questioning the purpose and practice of homework: Why do some teachers give homework and others do not? Why is homework given as a blanket assignment in which each child is given the same homework? What is effective homework? How much homework?"

Private Classes: Structuring to Get the Best Results

Private Classes: Structuring to Get the Best Results:

"When taking on private classes, the atmosphere can be a lot more relaxed. But it is still important to make sure that the class is structured so that the student who is paying you gets the most of out their lesson."

Official Google Enterprise Blog: Google+ Pages now available with Google Apps

Official Google Enterprise Blog: Google+ Pages now available with Google Apps:

"Just over a week ago we opened the doors of Google+ to Google Apps users, and today we’re welcoming the millions of organizations they’re a part of. Now your business, school or nonprofit can create its own corner on Google+ with Google+ Pages.

A Google+ page is your organization’s identity on Google+. Your business, school or nonprofit can post updates and news, send tailored messages to specific groups of people, and engage in conversations with customers and followers."

Google Apps para orientación | Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación | Educa con TIC

Google Apps para orientación | Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación | Educa con TIC:

"Google Apps para Educación es un magnífico servicio de Google que se pone a disposición de los centros educativos de forma gratuita. En este blog ya se ha hablado antes de las ventajas de Google Apps, pero os voy a contar algo más sobre cómo solicitar que vuestro centro educativo se beneficie de las ventajas."