
Another Sunshine Award!

I got another Sunshine Award, this time it's from Marga Alfonso Thanks!

The Sunshine Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is given to "bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere". I do feel honoured that such great blogger has given me this thoughtful award.
As with other similar awards, there are certain rules that must be followed:
Rule 1.  Post the Sunshine Award logo on your blog.
Rule 2.  Nominate 5 to 10 other wonderful  bloggers.
Rule 3.  Announce their nomination in their blog’s comment section.
Rule 4 .Mention links back to their blog, including a link to the person who nominated you.
Rule 5. Answer seven questions about yourself.  This is designed to help people get to know you better.
There are lots of great bloggers and choosing just a few is difficult... Here are a few good ones in no particular order:

Marga Alfonso is a great English teacher with a blog full of resources and activities for teaching and learning English.

David Mainwood's blog The EFL Smart Blog (EFL, ESL and ESOL learning and practice activities for smart students of English) is a great source for teachers and students of English.

Richard Byrne (with his amazing blog Free Technology for Teachers) helps teachers everywhere to understand and use technology in education.

Lisa Dabbs Teaching with Soul (Inspiring, Mentoring, Equipping Teachers) an amazing, positive and inspiring person who really deserves this Sunshine Award.

Sean Banville's blog  is full of links to Sean's resources, really useful for teachers.

For more information about me, the Sunshine Award and some more great bloggers, see my previous post:

The Sunshine Award!

It's raining (a lot!) in Barcelona, I'm exhausted (lots of things to do, too little time to do them), but I can't stop smiling because I got TWO Sunshine Awards yesterday. Thank you Inma and Esther !

The Sunshine Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is given to "bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere". I do feel honoured that such great bloggers have given me this thoughtful award.

As with other similar awards, there are certain rules that must be followed:
Rule 1.  Post the Sunshine Award logo on your blog.
Rule 2.  Nominate 5 to 10 other wonderful  bloggers.
Rule 3.  Announce their nomination in their blog’s comment section.
Rule 4 .Mention links back to their blog, including a link to the person who nominated you.
Rule 5. Answer seven questions about yourself.  This is designed to help people get to know you better.

There are lots of great bloggers and choosing just a few is difficult... Here are a few good ones in no particular order:

Inma Alcázar ("Passionate EFL teacher and lifelong learner interested in the potential of technology for foreign languages learning") and her blog Sharing Learning "Teaching English with Technology". (Thank you for giving me this award!)

Esther Martínez (teacher, blogger and curator) and her blog My English Scrapbook. (Thank you for giving me this award!)

Shelly Terrell is an amazing teacher who works really hard (I don't know how she manages to do all the things she does!), and travels all over the world helping others to learn and teach better. She always has a big smile on her face.

Larry Ferlazzo, amazing person and educator, do not miss his blog Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day

Montse Veyrat (Interested and Researcher in Linguistics, Translation, Intercultural Pragmatics, Neurolinguistics,Clinical Linguistics, E-Learning, SL) and her blog Montse is a great educator and an amazing person.

Ana Cristina Pratas, an amazing teacher, blogger and curator, her blog CristinaSkyBox is full of resources. Do not miss her other links, you can find some great things there.

Mª Jesús García S.M. has a great blog, Stop and Learn English, full of great resources.

Kieran Donaghy is the creator of Film English, full of resources for teachers and film lovers.

Claudio Azevedo  (Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals and Movie Segments for Warm-Ups and Follow-Ups) has thousands of useful resources for language teachers.

Mónica helps people who want to improve their English, her blog El Blog para aprender inglés is full of great resources, tips and advice for learners (and teachers) of English.

There are many more teachers and bloggers that I would like to add to the list... You can find some more in my resources blog:

Some things about me...

1. Favourite colour.

2. Favourite animal.
I love all kinds of animals: dogs, cats, rabbits...

3. Favourite number.

4. Favourite non-alcoholic drink.

5. Favourite alcoholic drink.
I don't drink much, sometimes when I go out with friends a gin & tonic (lots of tonic, hardly any gin).

6. Facebook or Twitter.
Twitter. I found lots of great educators thanks to twitter.

7. My passions.
Teaching and learning. I also love reading, watching films... Family and friends...

8. Giving or receiving gifts?
I love getting gifts, but giving gifts makes me even happier.

9. Favourite city or country?
London, and I would love to visit New York some day.

10. Favourite book?
Impossible to choose one! I love the classics, but I also love many modern authors. I have thousands of books in my library (and in my Kindle!).

Congratulations to all my nominees! Now it's your turn to spread the positive flow and send the sunshine to other fantastic and inspiring bloggers! 

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